Faithful Sources

“Choose to believe in Jesus Christ. If you have doubts about God the Father and His Beloved Son or the validity of the Restoration or the veracity of Joseph Smith’s divine calling as a prophet, choose to believe [see 2 Nephi 33:10–11] and stay faithful. Take your questions to the Lord and to other faithful sources. 

Study with the desire to believe rather than with the hope that you can find a flaw in the fabric of a prophet’s life or a discrepancy in the scriptures. Stop increasing your doubts by rehearsing them with other doubters. Allow the Lord to lead you on your journey of spiritual discovery.”

From the Gospel Library, on the church's website:

Gospel Library - "Topics and Questions" 

Church History - Gospel Topics Essays (Polygamy, Blacks & Priesthood, DNA, First Vision accounts, etc...) 

Answers to Church History Questions 

Faithful 3rd Party Websites:

Doctrine and Covenants Central Podcast (7 episodes) Race and Priesthood

Doctrine and Covenants Central Podcast (6 episodes) Joseph Smith and Plural Marriage

Doctrine and Covenants Central Podcast (5 episodes) Joseph Smith's multiple First Vision Accounts

Doctrine and Covenants Podcast Series (Homepage for multiple other topics in depth)

Standard of Truth Podcast (tackles tough questions through humor and thorough historical study)

The Unfolding Restoration with Anthony Sweat (YouTube channel with MANY videos addressing church history concerns.

FAIR Wiki (Direct responses to anti-mormon literature and arguments from faithful members of the church on nearly every topic you can imagine; youtube videos, bookstore, podcast, and annual conferences) (Detailed write-ups that don't hide anything, but also have a believing "take" on the topics. From the BH Roberts Foundation.) (Personal stories of people working through faith crises, podcast, stories of people returning who have left. From Bruce and Marie Hafen)

Scripture Central (approachable summaries of faithful academic literature on nearly every subject; list of evidences for the church; podcasts; youtube videos; mobile app)

Joseph Smith Papers (original documents of everything Joseph Smith ever wrote, plus much of what was written about him during his time; articles, podcasts, youtube videos)

Joseph Smith's Polygamy (page for most comprehensive books on the subject; Q&A, links to other resources on the topic)

Third Hour (news and articles on church topics; section on Defending the Faith)

Faith Matters (podcast, materials, and conference by many thoughtful authors and artists seeking truth as members of the church)

Sarah Allen's Rebuttal to the CES Letter (Very detailed response to one of the most popular anti-mormon pieces out there that has sadly led many astray with it's numerous false arguments and deceptions)

Steven Harper's Information regarding the CES Letter - Podcast and Written detailed explanations & responses. Steven Harper is one of the foremost authorities on Church History, and invites other well versed experts in church history to respond.  This website & rebuttal is HIGHLY recommended.  

Articles & Talks:

Stand Forever BYU address by Lawrence E. Corbridge of the Seventy

The Role of Evidence in Religious Discussion by John Welch

The Reasonable Leap into Light: A Barebones Secular Argument for the Gospel (article by Daniel Peterson from a FAIR conference)

That Ye May Believe  by David A. Bednar 2022 Speech at U of U. 

Investigative Report of CES Letter Reveals Deceptive Intent of Author. This was NEVER an honest seeker of truth - but rather an evil deception from the very beginning.  


Let's Get Real with Stephen Jones 

(Women and Priesthood episode from "Let's Get Real" featuring Barbara Morgan Gardner)
